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How to use "Apache Ant" a Migration Tool


  • Java JDK
  • Apache Ant, Version 1.6 or later
    • ANT Installation Instructions
      • Define these path variables
      • ANT_HOME = C:\Users\kumamuk01\dev\apache-ant-1.10.1
      • JAVA_HOME= C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
    • Test if ANT is installed properly
    • Mac:
      • export PATH=/Users/kumarijl/apache-ant-1.9.14/bin:$PATH
Command Prompt > ant

Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

Command Prompt > ant -version

C:\Users\kumamuk01>ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.1 compiled on February 2 2017

Install the Migration Tool

You could follow the instructions given in README file within the package.

Configure Ant

Step - 1: Update file which contains environment information. Provide User Name and Password or Security Token which will be used by Ant to login to the Salesforce Org.

Step - 2: Update build.xml file to contain the build targets. Build targets are nothing but retrieve, deploy, etc. Please check various examples provided in example build.xml file. Generally, I would have "retrieveUnpackaged" in my development environment as default target and "deployunpackaged" in my Production environment or another Sandbox environment where I would be performing the regular deployment.

Step - 3: If internal network requires proxy setting, then it has to be configured in build.xml file.

<target name="proxy">
<property name="" value="" />
<property name="proxy.port" value="9090" />
<!--If there username and password required -->
<property name="proxy.user" value="ntid" />
<property name="proxy.pwd" value="password" />
<setproxy proxyhost="${}" proxyport="${proxy.port}" />

<!-- Test out deploy and retrieve verbs for package 'mypkg' -->
<target name="test" depends="proxy">
<!-- Upload the contents of the "mypkg" package -->
<!-- <sf:deploy username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" sessionId="${sf.sessionId}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}" maxPoll="${sf.maxPoll}" deployRoot="mypkg" rollbackOnError="true"/>
<mkdir dir="retrieveOutput"/> -->
<!-- Retrieve the contents into another directory -->
<sf:retrieve username="${sf.username}" password="${sf.password}" sessionId="${sf.sessionId}" serverurl="${sf.serverurl}" maxPoll="${sf.maxPoll}" retrieveTarget="retrieveOutput" packageNames="MyPkg"/>

Scenario: While trying to login to salesforce using following error message is thrown: unable to reach to


List the build targets

> ant -p

Buildfile: C:\Users\kumamuk01\dev\salesforce_ant_39.0\test\build.xml

Main targets:

Other targets:

Default target: test

retrieveUnpackaged components



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