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Showing posts from August, 2015

Understanding Performance of a request/response message

I have always faced challenges understanding Performance related terminologies. Underlying concepts within performance of a system seems convoluted. The very basic performance measure is the time between a request and a response. For diagnostic purpose, it necessitates the need of understanding the underlying concepts of performance. The ideas is that if we are able to understand internal nitty gritty of performance of a system, we will be able to make better design decision. Also, this will help Quality Assurance team create a performance test strategy. Above diagram tries to explain the internal nitty-gritty of performance component of a system. QA would generally ask, what kind of testing needs to be performed on a web application. The answer is definitely not straight forward, but dependent on following, but not limited to, criteria: Is this Web Application built from scratch based on some open platform? Is this a SaaS Application? How much control ...

Organizational Skill Matrix

Keeping track of skills within organization's resources is as important as keeping track of Application and Technology Portfolio. Strategy changes every now and then and individual skills needs to catch up with changing needs. We have seen many strategic initiative to adhere to latest Technology, whether in the form of new addition or upgrade of existing one. Similarly, resources are trained as per project needs. There are ways to track these skills within organization so that in time of need, leadership could assess their resource portfolio and make informed decision. Basic Skill Matrix Basic Skill Matrix comprise of tabular representation of Resources/Employee Object and Skills. It could be represented as show in Basic Skill Matrix Meta-Model. In this model we can capture the skill levels of each employee. In a practical use, a resource manager will refer to this model and identify the gap, which he would be looking for. Advanced Skill Matrix The advanced Ski...