Have you ever realized, how much do you really pay for a SaaS Application? The general answer would be to look into your invoice and find the number. But, have you realized that the quantity of Technical Services you own or paying for may not be optimally utilized in your organization. There are SaaS where your invoice is specifically calculated based on your usage, but not all SaaS is based on that pricing model. I would even say that only selected few calculate invoice at granular level of details. e.g. AWS. I have got bills ranging from low as $0.57 cents to $50+ based on usage. But, most of the B2B SaaS applications are contractually bound for few number of years with a bucketed types of services. Generally, in many situation, no one goes back and checks whether those services are being utilized or not. Also, it will rarely happen that you own less and your usage is more. If you see the contractual document, you might find following, but not limited to, criteria based on which y...